Troubleshooting Guide For Outlook Send/Receive error 0x8004010f

  • August 8, 2023
  • Written by:
  • James
  • Reading Time: 6 minutes

To send/receive emails on an Outlook account, users have the send/receive feature. Many times, users encounter trouble while using this feature. Outlook send/receive error typically occurs when there is a problem with the Outlook client’s ability to access the user’s mailbox on the mail server. Fortunately, This problem is quite common but easy to fix. In this guide, we are sharing some easy steps to troubleshoot the Outlook send receive error 0x8004010f. Keep reading to find out more!

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Why does Outlook Send/Receive error 0x8004010f Occurs?

When everything works perfectly fine, users would be able to send or receive emails using Outlook email services. But, if the error persists, users will see the following error message on their screen.

0x8004010F: “Unable to access the Outlook file”

0x8004010F: “The operation failed. An object could not be found.”

The send and receive error in Outlook account may occur due to several issues, such as:

  • A lost connection to the server.
  • problem with the user’s account or mailbox.
  • Firewall or Antivirus issues.
  • Incorrect Account Settings.

Also Read: How to Fix Outlook Not Receiving Emails

Troubleshooting Solutions for Outlook Send Receive Error

Here are some troubleshooting steps for resolving the Outlook error 0x8004010f:

  • Check the internet connection: Make sure that there is a stable internet connection as this error can occur when Outlook is unable to connect to the server. In addition, restart the router and WiFi. But, if the problem is with the server, contact the email provider for assistance.
  • Verify the account settings: Verify that the account settings are correct by going to File > Account Settings > Account Settings. Also, check the incoming and outgoing server names and ports.
  • Check the size of your offline Outlook Data File (.ost): If the .ost file is too large, it can cause this error. Also, try reducing the size of the mailbox by deleting unnecessary items.
  • Run the Inbox Repair Tool (Scanpst.exe): This tool can fix errors in the Outlook data file. To run it, go to Start > Search and type “Scanpst.exe.”
  • Disable your antivirus software temporarily: Some antivirus programs can interfere with Outlook’s ability to send and receive email. Moreover, you can try disabling the antivirus software temporarily to see if it resolves the issue. Also, make sure that the firewall is not blocking Outlook from connecting to the internet.
  • Check for corrupted email files: If the above steps don’t work, you may have a corrupted email file. Try creating a new email profile and importing your data from the old profile to the new one.
  • Update the software: Sometimes, the outdated software causes the send and receive error on the Outlook account. Make sure that you are using the most recent version of Outlook. We  recommended updating the software only by visiting the official website.

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Hopefully, the above troubleshooting steps will fix the send/receive email error on the Outlook account. However, we recommend creating a new profile after trying all the troubleshooting steps. If that also does not work to fix Outlook send receive error, contact the expert for professional assistance.

Written By

  • James
  • My name is David Wayne, and I work as a technical support specialist for the online industry. In the last 7 years, I have fixed a variety of email issues, such as Outlook server errors, Outlook send receive errors, Outlook working offline problems and etc. So if you are facing these types of problems, please do not hesitate to contact us without any hesitation.

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